Marvel and Mouse

Twinings English Tea tours at Epcot

Ima Mowse  just did a story that included Twinings English Tea and while I was researching how to spell Twinings i found... 

Twinings English Tea
Ima Mowse  just did a story that included Twinings English Tea and while I was researching how to spell Twinings i found... a reason to go to Epcot during the Flower and Garden festival.
The Disney Food Blog had an excellent article on the tea tour offered during the garden festival and the Food and Wine Expo.
from the blog:
"Our guide, a CM from the UK pavilion who’s been “tea-trained,” led us through a shockingly informative and enjoyable tour of the tea (and, mostly, tea-flavoring) plants in the UK garden’s many teacup planters. I mentioned that I’d wanted to take the tour for a couple of years, but I never expected that a no-cost experience could be so well-done. The guide was quite knowledgeable about the history and art of tea-making and answered each question very well (including a few toughies); I left feeling like I’d really learned quite a bit."
Click through for a great run down.