Marvel and Mouse

Thor Movie casting: Yea Verily Yea!

A glimps into the making of the Thor Movie from Marvel Studios

Thor has an interesting article that gives insight to the direction of the Thor movie. Through casting calls we can see they are looking for Asgardian warriors! Oh, and some college girl. But the description from the article pretty much describes the first 15 years or so of the Marvel Comics.

Amazing warrior action that was cosmic yet medevial intercut with human pathos as the cast-out Thor makes a new life on Midguard ( Earth ). Jack Kirby's bold art was spectacular and larger-than-life when Thor was in battle. Kirby's exceptional storytelling held your attention when Thor's alter-ego Donald Blake worked through his own problems as a handicapped doctor in 1960's New York.

Stan Lee's verbal flourishes when Thor spoke still has many of us saying Aye Verily! when asked to respond to the affirmative.

1960-1970 Thor's are many comic readers favorite comics. The Thor movie that captures that feel will be epic.

These Thor comics are collected in Essential Thor Graphic novels ( multiple volumes ) and Marvel Masterworks Thor hard covers ( multiple volumes ).