Marvel and Mouse

Hulk SMASH... Earth!

USA Today reports on the newest direct to DVD Marvel animated movie release scheduled for Feb 2 2010. Planet Hulk!

Planet Hulk DVD
© Marvel

Planet Hulk is based on the mega cross-over Marvel Comics event from a couple of years ago. The leaders of most the major "powers" in the Marvel Universe decide the Hulk is too much of a menace to remain on Earth. They decide to capture him and shoot him into space. His final destination is a planet where he won't hurt anyone and not be in peril himself.

Not a bad plan on the whole, if it had worked. Instead Hulk wakes up on a war planet where its "kill or be killed". Hulk being the "strongest one there is" and all he basically beats down the planet, turns them into his personal army and decides to re-visit Earth and "thank them".

There's a lot more to it than that but I don't know what they will use in the movie... and I don't want to give away the big surprises along the way.

Click through to see the Alex Ross box art and access a trailer.