Marvel and Mouse

70 years of Marvel Trivia

The Times On Line UK has a pretty exhaustive 70 point trivia round up in honour of Marvel's 70th anniversary.

Spider-Man Romita

Be careful this could eat up your whole afternoon. The kicker is they claim one of the 70 pieces of trivia is false. Is it number 14?

14 The idea for Spider-man's black costume came from a comics fan. In 1982 Marvel asked its readers for ideas for new Spider-man stories. Randy Schueller, a 22-year-old reader from Chicago, spent two weeks writing a story in which Spider-man ditches his red and blue threads for a sleek black costume. "It occurred to me that Spider-man is this character that creeps around in the shadows looking for bad guys, so why is he wearing this bright red and blue costume?" Schueller told the New York Post in 2007. "It seemed like he should have more of a stealth mode." A few months after sending his idea to Marvel, he got a letter from Jim Shooter, Marvel's Editor-In-Chief, offering to buy it for $220. The filmSpider-man 3, which conspiciously features the black costume, made almost a billion dollars at the box office.

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